Brown Results Splits
Blue Results Splits
Green Results Splits
Short Green Results Splits
Light Green Results Splits
Orange Results Splits
Yellow Results Splits
White Results Splits

Organiser's Comments

The Spring Cottage Level C event was held on Sunday 28th December, 2014. Competitor numbers were down on last year, no doubt due to the weather conditions, especially as neighbouring clubs appeared to have had more snow in their regions than in many parts of Leicestershire, making for difficult driving conditions. However, I am grateful to all of the competitors who did turn out to support the event and hoped that they found the courses enjoyable. The controller and I were in close contact the afternoon and evening before the event, resulting in some additional signage being produced to warn competitors of deep water ditches/marshes on the longer courses, as well as the icy conditions. The remote start did mean that there was a risk of competitors getting cold on the way to the start, as well as from the finish. However, due to the time of year, a clothing dump had been planned for, which proved to be an essential requirement.

A verbal complaint was made to me on the day of the event concerning the juxtaposition of control numbers 190 and 198 in the north-west part of the map. The controller has since investigated the complaint and, in line with British Orienteering Rule 22.4 and Rule 24.3, the complaint has been upheld due to the closeness of the numbering which should have been distinctly different, and that both control sites, although more than 30m apart and on different features, may have led to incorrect identification with competitors moving at speed in the middle of a competitive run. This resulted in a (different) competitor’s results being reinstated, due to mis-punching.

Finally, I would like to thank all of the volunteers who helped on the day, ensuring that the event went smoothly, especially as they did so in extremely cold weather for several hours.

Wendy West

Controller's Comments

On behalf of all competitors I would like to thank Wendy West for her calm and very efficient organisation of the Event, and also my thanks to the members of LEI who volunteered to help on the day from the 'Conkers' car parking team through to the post-Event control collectors.

Very specific thanks are due to Steve Edgar for planning not only the final Level C East Midlands League Event for 2014 on the Sunday but also for organising and planning the Level D Night Event on Saturday - 64 controls sited for 11 courses in well under twenty-four hours. Steve made very good use of the extensive area, particularly in ensuring that competitors navigated as safely as possible around features such as the canal, ponds, road and railway, using Purple Pen to aid his planning and introducing me to the very useful delights of 'Dropbox' which ensured that changes to the planning and text updates were easily available up to the day of the Event. The unexpected appearance of a new pond in the north of the competition area near controls 208 and 210 found on Saturday afternoon by both Steve and myself lead to warnings given to competitors at the Start and, as far as I am aware, this temporary deep water hazard was safely navigated around by all who visited either of these controls.

Safety of all taking part at whatever level of ability and fitness is of paramount importance but it created, in a roundabout way, a problem that then lead to a formal verbal complaint being made by a competitor on the Brown Course, the result of which is detailed elsewhere in the Event Results.

Trying, as it were, to juggle a number of activities, some personal, some family, some non-orienteering, but a number that were and are 'O' related, meant that I missed the obvious juxtaposition of numbers 190 and 198 in the north-western part of the competition area - one of these numbers should have been changed to one that was distinctly different and I apologise for this oversight. The problem was further exacerbated by a safety concern that lead to control 198 'Gully south-east end' being moved closer to 190 'Pit 2m x 2m' though they were still more than 30m apart and on very distinct features. My initial visit to the site of control 198 found me on the gully as marked on the map and situated on a steep and slippery slope above the rail-line north-western tunnel opening - such were my concerns that I asked Steve and/or the mapper to extend the gully map symbol up the slope to bring the end closer to the marked fence corner and the ruined fence west of 190 and this was done. In hindsight I should have recommended the removal of the control, as happened in the case of control code 222 - an earthbank foot above the south-eastern part of the rail-line that was sited near to the top of a very steep slope that needed at least three close together contours rather than the one shown on the map - and to have suggested that both Blue and Brown Course competitors visited control 190, though I also appreciated that Steve wanted the two courses to visit different control sites in the north-western sector, thereby settling as I did for the map amendment and which lead to the knock-on effect as described. Other concerns for safety were raised by the sub-zero temperatures, the ice, and the very recent snowfall - again appropriate warnings were given which I hope were of use to all who took part in the Event.

My personal thanks are due to Peter Hornsby for stepping in at lunchtime as the 'Sunday Afternoon Controller' - I have a number of medical ailments such that, linked to a very heavy cold and having been on-site in the competition area for five hours, I was informed by concerned Club members preparing to dismantle the Start that I was looking somewhat unwell and, at their insistence, I left the Event and returned home, leaving Peter to act on my behalf as 'Event Controller' for which I am very grateful.

Finally, one bonus of being in the competiton area at sunrise on Sunday was to be aware that no other person was in sight in any direction and I was able, as an M72, to appreciate the sights of nature in a winter landscape with dawn breaking and with tall bullrushes silhouetted against the rising sun that was reflected in the still and icy water of a large pond - albeit for just a short while but sheer magic!

Ernie Williams

Result of Verbal Complaint

Re verbal complaint received on the afternoon of Sunday 28th December 2014:

Following discussion between the Organiser and the Controller, and in line with British Orienteering Rule 22.4 and Rule 24.3, the verbal complaint made to the Organiser regarding control code 190 '2m x 2m Pit' and control code 198 'Gully south-east end' the complaint has been upheld due to the closeness of the numbering which should have been distinctly different and that both control sites, although more than 30m apart and different features, may have lead to incorrect identification with competitors moving at speed in the middle of a competitive run. It should however be noted that competitors should check when they punch at a control that the control code matches that on the control description sheet which, on the day, was available loose at Registration and was also on the Course Map. Unfortunately the competitor in question could not be re-instated into the official results due to his missing the final control of his Course, code 199 'Fence North-east Corner'