

0.8km 5m

Pos Name Club Age Class Time
1st George Brown LEI M12 8:37

Team Results

Three runners of 3.3km 15m

Team Pos Runner Pos Name Club Age Class One Two 1+2 Team Time
1st 4th Tom Barber LEI M18 7:21 11:37 18:58
1st Nicholas Wilson LEI M16 6:43 11:20 18:03
8th Anna Barber LEI W16 8:42 13:27 22:09 59:10
2nd 2nd Hannah Cox LEI W18 7:00 11:14 18:14
3rd Finn Lydon LEI M16 6:29 11:53 18:22
24th Harrington Leake LEI M10 13:07 17:45 30:52 67:28
3rd 5th Richard Leake LEI M45 7:40 13:47 21:27
12th Iain Phillips LEI M45 8:53 14:51 23:44
15th Nicole Schmid LEI W21 9:30 14:59 24:29 69:40
4th 6th Bruce Bryant OD M55 8:22 13:37 21:59
13th Liz Phillips OD W50 9:40 15:27 24:07
25th Peter Chick LEI M70 15:00 21:58 36:58 83:04
5th 26th Chris Phillips LEI M65 15:33 23:17 38:50
10th Roger Phillips LEI M35 8:29 14:21 22:50
21st/td> Ursula Williamson LEI W50 10:53 17:39 28:32 90:12
6th 11th Liz Heaton LEI W21 9:46 13:15 23:01
22nd Peter Leake LEI M75 11:50 17:23 29:13
28th Libby Barber LEI W12 24:42 18:47 43:29 95:43
m8/2 m8 on two David Seaman LEI M40 8:54 17:51 26:45
14th Derek Herd LEI M45 9:47 14:33 24:20
16th Simon Starkey LEI M55 10:05 15:19 25:24 76:29
m9/2 7th Euan Tebbutt LEI M18 8:45 13:22 22:07
20th Iain Tebbutt LEI M45 10:35 16:43 27:18
m9 on two Alastair Paterson LEI M45 8:46 14:33 23:19 72:44
m9/2 m9 on two Jamie Sutherland LEI M45 8:48 13:18 22:06
19th Robert Haskins LEI M60 9:50 17:04 26:54
18th Kiran Coolican LEI M21 9:12 16:35 25:47 73:47
w2/2,m8/2 9th Dave Allery   M45 8:45 13:41 22:26
w2,m8 on two John Marriott LEI M65 11:15 14:50 26:05 2 runners
m10/1 23rd Kevin Bradley LEI M60 12:35 17:39 30:14
17th Mark Sherriff LEI M50 10:31 15:01 25:32
m10 on one Chris Bosley LEI M65 13:56 21:27 35:23 91:09
leg missed 27th Steve Edgar LEI M45 16:21 25:22 41:43
No part one Tracy Phillipson LEI W45 --:-- 41:48 --:--
29th Karl Phillipson LEI M21 18:04 27:22 45:26 --:--



1.2km 5m

Pos Name Club Age Class Time
1st Finn Lydon LEI M16 6:29
2nd Nicholas Wilson LEI M16 6:43
3rd Hannah Cox LEI W18 7:00
4th Tom Barber LEI M18 7:21
5th Richard Leake LEI M45 7:40
6th Bruce Bryant OD M55 8:22
7th Roger Phillips LEI M35 8:29
8th Anna Barber LEI W16 8:42
9th= Dave Allery   M45 8:45
9th= Euan Tebbutt LEI M18 8:45
11th Alastair Paterson LEI M45 8:46
12th Jamie Sutherland LEI M45 8:48
13th Iain Phillips LEI M45 8:53
14th David Seaman LEI M40 8:54
15th Kiran Coolican LEI M21 9:12
16th Nicole Schmid LEI W21 9:30
17th Liz Phillips OD W50 9:40
18th Liz Heaton LEI W21 9:46
19th Derek Herd LEI M45 9:47
20th Robert Haskins LEI M60 9:50
21st Simon Starkey LEI M55 10:05
22nd Mark Sherriff LEI M50 10:31
23rd Iain Tebbutt LEI M45 10:35
24th Ursula Williamson LEI W50 10:53
25th John Marriott LEI M65 11:15
26th Peter Leake LEI M75 11:50
27th Kevin Bradley LEI M60 12:35
28th Harrington Leake LEI M10 13:07
29th Peter Chick LEI M70 15:00
30th Steve Edgar LEI M45 16:21
31st Karl Phillipson LEI M21 18:04
32nd Libby Barber LEI W12 24:42
m10 Chris Bosley LEI M65 13:56
dns 4mins to 1 Chris Phillips LEI M65 15:33



2.1km 10m

Pos Name Club Age Class Time
1st Hannah Cox LEI W18 11:14
2nd Nicholas Wilson LEI M16 11:20
3rd Tom Barber LEI M18 11:37
4th Finn Lydon LEI M16 11:53
5th Liz Heaton LEI W21 13:15
6th Euan Tebbutt LEI M18 13:22
7th Anna Barber LEI W16 13:27
8th Bruce Bryant OD M55 13:37
9th Richard Leake LEI M45 13:47
10th Roger Phillips LEI M35 14:21
11th Iain Phillips LEI M45 14:51
12th Nicole Schmid LEI W21 14:59
13th Mark Sherriff LEI M50 15:01
14th Derek Herd LEI M45 15:11
15th Simon Starkey LEI M55 15:19
16th Liz Phillips OD W50 15:27
17th Kiran Coolican LEI M21 16:35
18th Iain Tebbutt LEI M45 16:43
19th Robert Haskins LEI M60 17:04
20th Peter Leake LEI M75 17:23
21st= Kevin Bradley LEI M60 17:39
21st= Ursula Williamson LEI W50 17:39
23rd Harrington Leake LEI M10 17:45
24th Libby Barber LEI W12 18:47
25th Chris Bosley LEI M65 21:27
26th Peter Chick LEI M70 21:58
27th Chris Phillips LEI M65 23:17
28th Steve Edgar LEI M45 25:22
29th Karl Phillipson LEI M21 27:22
30th George Brown LEI M12 35:13
31st Tracy Phillipson LEI W45 41:48
m9 Jamie Sutherland LEI M45 13:18
m9 Alastair Paterson LEI M45 14:33
w2 m8 John Marriott LEI M65 14:50
m8 David Seaman LEI M40 17:51
dns 3mins to 1 Dave Allery   M45 13:41

One and Two Combined

3.3km 15m (1.2km 5m and 2.1km 10m)

Pos Name Club Age Class One Two 1+2
1st Nicholas Wilson LEI M16 6:43 11:20 18:03
2nd Hannah Cox LEI W18 7:00 11:14 18:14
3rd Finn Lydon LEI M16 6:29 11:53 18:22
4th Tom Barber LEI M18 7:21 11:37 18:58
5th Richard Leake LEI M45 7:40 13:47 21:27
6th Bruce Bryant OD M55 8:22 13:37 21:59
7th Euan Tebbutt LEI M18 8:45 13:22 22:07
8th Anna Barber LEI W16 8:42 13:27 22:09
9th Dave Allery   M45 8:45 13:41 22:26
10th Roger Phillips LEI M35 8:29 14:21 22:50
11th Liz Heaton LEI W21 9:46 13:15 23:01
12th Iain Phillips LEI M45 8:53 14:51 23:44
13th Liz Phillips OD W50 9:40 15:27 24:07
14th Derek Herd LEI M45 9:47 14:33 24:20
15th Nicole Schmid LEI W21 9:30 14:59 24:29
16th Simon Starkey LEI M55 10:05 15:19 25:24
17th Mark Sherriff LEI M50 10:31 15:01 25:32
18th Kiran Coolican LEI M21 9:12 16:35 25:47
19th Robert Haskins LEI M60 9:50 17:04 26:54
20th Iain Tebbutt LEI M45 10:35 16:43 27:18
21st Ursula Williamson LEI W50 10:53 17:39 28:32
22nd Peter Leake LEI M75 11:50 17:23 29:13
23rd Kevin Bradley LEI M60 12:35 17:39 30:14
24th Harrington Leake LEI M10 13:07 17:45 30:52
25th Peter Chick LEI M70 15:00 21:58 36:58
26th Chris Phillips LEI M65 15:33 23:17 38:50
27th Steve Edgar LEI M45 16:21 25:22 41:43
28th Libby Barber LEI W12 24:42 18:47 43:29
29th Karl Phillipson LEI M21 18:04 27:22 45:26
No part one Tracy Phillipson LEI W45 --:-- 41:48 --:--
m8 on two David Seaman LEI M40 8:54 17:51 26:45
w2,m8 on two John Marriott LEI M65 11:15 14:50 26:05
m9 on two Alastair Paterson LEI M45 8:46 14:33 23:19
m9 on two Jamie Sutherland LEI M45 8:48 13:18 22:06
m10 on one Chris Bosley LEI M65 13:56 21:27 35:23