LEI branded clothing is available from the Club Kit Officer. The range is:
Size Guide
Most of the clothing is supplied from BRYZOS in Bulgaria.
Sprint tops can be altered to fit as the women’s ones are an unsuitable shape for most women.
Clothing sources: The hooded sweat shirt is from Revolution, Fleece Jackets (purple and coaches) are from Metro signs (2000) and Coaching Jacket from Corporate clothing.
Payment arrangements
Order by email from the LEI .
Our preferred method is to pay by bank transfer into the club account.
You can pay by cheque payable to ‘Leicestershire Orienteering Club’.
You can pay by debit/ credit card. The club has a card reader, but depends on having a signal.
Orienteering Kit Suppliers
Suppliers of clothes, compasses, and other kit often have stalls at larger events but also have online shops.
Compasspoint – Orienteering retailer
SPORTident – buy or register SI cards
Emit – buy Emit cards. (Also includes a guide on how to use the cards)
Formline – Orienteering retailer