Minutes of the 37th Annual General meeting held on Wednesday 25th October 2006, 7.30 p.m. at The Griffin Inn, Swithland.
Present: Chris Bosley, John Cooke, Roy Denney, Roger Edwards, Simon Ford, Mark Foxwell, Isabel Griffiths, Bob Haskins,
Judith Holt, Pete Hornsby, Roger Kelly, Peter Leake, John Marriott, Chris Phillips, Roger Phillips, Lee Powell, Rachel Simonetti, Dave Toach, Graham Watson, Ernie Williams, Roger Williamson, Ursula Williamson.
1. Apologies: David Anderson, Margaret Anderson, Andy Portsmouth, Simon Starkey.
Chris Phillips chaired the meeting in the absence of Andy Portsmouth.
2. Membership Numbers
167 members at 25th October 2006, 2005 figures in brackets (173). Senior (non-family) 56 (56); Junior (non-family) 6 (3); Affiliated Groups 2 (2); Affiliated Schools 6 (6); Family Groups 34 (37) (comprising 97 members (106)). There are 34 Club only members in the total (39). Age profiles were also produced.
3. Minutes of the 36th Annual General Meeting, 26th October 2005
4. Matters Arising
There were no matters arising.
5. Chairman’s Report on last year
This was read out by Chris Phillips and will be published in LEI News.
6. Matters Arising
There were no matters arising from the Chairman’s Report.
7. Treasurer’s Report, Annual accounts 2005/6 and Budget projections 2006/7
The accounts cover the year to 31st July 2006. There has been a deficit of £1330 as opposed to a £917 surplus in 2005. The 2004/5 accounts only covered a period of 11 months to enable the change of year end date to July 31st. Although event surplus was £2449 on paper, once equipment, mapping and printing was taken into account (£3550), this really represented a deficit of around £1000. However, we have purchased a new A3 printer during the year. Two events made a loss overall, and the Summer League made a surplus of £1000.
The Balance Sheet shows our net current assets as £9,900, and so our reserves are in good order.
Budget Projections:
Membership income is expected to fall, and some of our expenditure is to be reduced by cutting the number of newsletters per year from four to three. Equipment costs will be down as we will only need to depreciate the printer. The predicted deficit is £519. Helper allowances are to be normalised at 50% of entry cost for C3 and C4 events. Junior C5 entry is to be raised to £1 to match other local clubs. Team entry subsidy is to be reduced from 50% to 33%. The Club needs to take care over event expenditure, and map printing quantities.
8. Auditor’s Report
The full Auditor’s Report is attached to the official set of accounts.
9. Matters Arising from the Treasurer’s Report
There were no matters arising.
10. Approval of Accounts
Proposed by Roy Denney and seconded by Simon Ford: Carried.
11. Proposed Amendment to Constitution
There were two proposed changes, detailed in LEI News. Both are concerning membership categories in line with changes brought forward by BOF. There has been a long process of change, and we are trying to keep up.
Acceptance proposed by Roger Edwards and seconded by Bob Haskins: Carried.
12. President’s Report and election of Chairman
Ernie Williams thanked the club officers for their work over the year and explained that the meeting pattern had changed so that there were now only four full committee meetings a year, with subcommittees meeting and discussion taking place in the other months. The club is working well and has good ideas that are often followed by others. We are now just starting the second year of our Winter League, and are making suggestions in the East Midlands for big events. It is excellent news that the junior development section has progresses well over the year.
Chris Phillips was proposed as Club Chairman by Ernie Williams and seconded by Bob Haskins: Approved.
13. New Chairman’s Address and plans for the forthcoming year
Chris said that he had served under four different chairmen whilst being on the committee. He highlighted the importance of the development work being done, and led by Judith Holt and Lee Powell. LEI is also moving towards the award of Club Mark. It is hoped that a member of the junior squad will serve on the club committee.
Computing and the internet are important aspects of the club and John Cooke is to go on the computing team along with Kevin Bradley and Andy Portsmouth as Kevin’s assistant. Two C3, and four C4 events are planned for 2007. The C4 at Ratby on 25th March 2007 is also to mark the 10th anniversary of the National Forest Trophy. LEI applied to run BOC 2009 but were turned down, but it is hoped that we may be able to run a national event in 2010 and be involved in the sprint and middle distance championships in 2009.
There will be some difficult times and we need to be careful with expenditure, but recruitment is a must. Land access is likely to get more difficult, however we have new areas that are not yet ready, and will also need mapping. This is a strong club and exciting things are happening, and progress will continue.
14. Election of other Principal Officers
Vice Chairman: Bob Haskins
Secretary: Rachel Simonetti
Treasurer: Roger Edwards
Proposed by Roger Phillips and seconded by Roy Denney: Approved.
15. Election of Committee
The following were proposed by Bob Haskins and seconded by Roger Phillips: Kevin Bradley, John Cooke, Simon Ford, Mark Foxwell, Judith Holt, Peter Hornsby, Roger Kelly, Peter Leake, Irene Marriott, Andy Portsmouth, Lee Powell, Roger Williamson, Graham Watson. Approved.
16. Election of Auditor
The current Auditor, Lewis Sutton has indicated that he is prepared to continue, proposed Roger Edwards and seconded by Simon Ford: Approved.
17. Election of President and Honorary Members
President: Ernie Williams was proposed by Chris Phillips and seconded by Roy Denney: Approved.
Honorary Members: Lewis Sutton.
Proposed by Chris Phillips and seconded by Roy Denney: Approved.
18. Membership Fees
This had been discussed by the Committee and the proposal categories were largely dictated by BOF rule changes. There is an explanation on page 5 of the Autumn 2006 edition of LEI News.
Local Senior £10 (£6 to be remitted to BOF), Junior £1, Local Family £14 (£10 to be remitted to BOF), Group £10, correspondent rate £7 LEI rate for full BOF members is £4 (£1 for Juniors).
Proposed by Roger Edwards and seconded by Peter Leake: Approved.
19. Any Other Business
There was no further business for the AGM.
The meeting closed at 8.30p.m.
There followed a discussion session which considered Permanent Orienteering Courses, publicity (advertising the LEI website on kit), and publicising our fixtures in the local media.