Club Officials

Photo of Ernie W

Ernie Williams

President, Events Secretary & Technical Advisor
Ernie Williams
01530 832829

Photo of Steve C

Stephen Chafer

Stephen Chafer
01455 283193

Photo of Jane DM

Jane Dring-Morris

Vice Chair, Development plan Monitor & Minor Events Coordinator,
Jane Dring-Morris

Photo of Roger P

Roger Phillips

Secretary, Membership Secretary
Roger Phillips
0796 700 9504

Photo of Simon F

Simon Ford

Simon Ford
0116 259 9448 or 07971 485424

Photo of Roger E

Roger Edwards

Development Coordinator, Schools Liaison Officer & Colour Coded Awards Officer
Roger Edwards
0116 212 7547

Photo of Chris P

Chris Phillips

SportIdent Equipment Monitor, Newsletter Editor
Chris Phillips
07801 653896

Photo of Iain P

Iain Phillips

Events Coordinator, Coaching Coordinator, Event Entries Secretary & EMOA Delegate
Iain Phillips

Photo of Ursula W

Ursula Williamson

Event Entries, Map Printing, Newsletter Editor & Deputy EMOA Delegate
Ursula Williamson
01509 412 132

Photo of Alastair P

Alastair Paterson

Minor Events Results Secretary
Alastair Paterson
07813 013911

Photo of Kevin G

Kevin Gallagher

Organiser’s & Planner’s Equipment
Kevin Gallagher

Photo of Maureen W

Maureen Webb

Club Clothing
Maureen Webb
07946 088102

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Alison Hardy

Club Welfare Officer
Alison Hardy

Photo of Roy D

Roy Denney

Honorary Member, Access Officer
Roy Denney
0116 233 8604

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Ben Shannon

Permanent Course Coordinator
Ben Shannon

Photo of Chris B

Chris Bosley

Website Editor
Chris Bosley
0116 236 3349

John C

John Cooke

John Cooke
01629 582 325

Photo of Kevin B

Kevin Bradley

Results Secretary, Electronic Systems Coordinator & D of E Scheme Coordinator
Kevin Bradley
01664 424163

Photo of David C

David Cladingboel

Club Captain & Electronic Systems Assistant
David Cladingboel
07914 192074

Photo of Derek H

Derek Herd

Club Night Coordinator
Derek Herd

Photo of Simon S

Simon Starkey

Map Librarian, Mapping Coordinator and MapRun Administrator
Simon Starkey

Photo of Steve E

Steve Edgar

Committee Member
Steve Edgar

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Posts Vacant

Mapping Advisor, Development Secretary, Junior Captain & Media Liaison Officer

Club Organisation

The following downloadable PDFs cover the structure and organisation of Leicestershire Orienteering Club. Much of the day-to-day activities are within the Appendix to the Standing Orders, which will adapt and evolve in response to circumstances and needs of the club. Whereas, the Constitution provides the more permanent basis of the club and can only be amended by a General Meeting of members.

The Club Constitution This establishes the club as a legal and financial entity with members, officers and purposes. (last amended Oct 2023)

The Club Standing Orders This provides more details of the operation of Committees and the role of the three main Club Officers. (last amended Nov 2023)

Appendix to the Standing Orders   This covers the committee structure and who does what. It also includes important policies on events, mapping, environment and safeguarding. (Updated November 2023.)

The club Development Plan 2016-2019

The Club Financial Policy (updated May 2021)

Privacy Statement (updated Nov 2020)

LEI Survey of Members’ Views – Autumn 2015